We were hired as a part of the team from 2018 to 2020
SEO, Content Marketing, SMM, Branding, Web Design
WordPress, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Paid Advertisement
Seats2meet is one of the Netherland’s largest coworking and meeting space providers (180 locations worldwide) and a creator of an innovative matching software - S2M Passport (200.000 passport users).
S2M Passport uses AI algorithm to match its users to each other, and match users to articles, news, and events based on their tags and historical data.
The main content platform of S2M is S2M Online Magazine. Guest writers can submit their own articles that fit the guidelines and the articles are matched to S2M users.
How does it Work?
Visitors of the event or workspace create a profile where they list their skills and answer several questions related to their occupation. Then they can also ask a question related to the struggle they currently face at work. Based on this input, the algorithm matches the user with a relevant person at the location who is likely to benefit the user of the platform. This results in new projects, and job opportunities and creates additional value for coming to the location.
Before the start of our collaboration, Seats2meet.com was already a well-known and successful business in the Netherlands. The company aimed to expand its success further by scaling its platform usage internationally. Therefore, the EDGEncy team was hired to help create a strategy for that and subsequently implement it.
Tools that we used:
Seats2meet Online Magazine
Social Media Channels
monthly S2M Magazine readers across the world.
monthly website visitors
magazine contributors, both organic and paid
"The EDGEncy team is an international team of young professionals, with a special talent for digital marketing and entrepreneurship in the dynamic world of social media. They designed and operated special online programs for us and ran the Seats2meet Magazine as editorial staff. They are quick, clever and reliable"